Celebra expresie intalnita des in filmele americane "fuck you" e mult mai complexa decat pare. Aici gasiti cateva din multiplele intrebuintari ale acestei sublime formule:
Greetings: "How the fuck are you?"
Fraud: "I got fucked by the car dealer."
Dismay: "Oh, fuck it!"
Trouble: "Well, I guess I'm fucked now!"
Aggression: "Fuck You!"
Disgust: "Fuck me!"
Confusion: "What the fuck....?"
Difficulty: "I don't understand this fucking business..."
Despair: "Fucked again!"
Incompetence: "He fucks up everything!"
Displeasure: "What the fuck is going on here?"
Lost: "Where the fuck are we?"
Disbelief: "Unfuckingbelievable!"
Retaliation: "Up your fucking ass!"
Bineinteles ca toata chestia asta nu imi apartine, nu's chiar atat de destept.
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