duminică, 10 mai 2009

Short story

My name is Jack. I'm from Nebraska. I was born in New York. I've moved here when I was 3. I've never ever left this fuckin place since.I would like to, but where to go? 5 years ago I've had this oportunity to go on a bussines trip to San Francsico. I wasn't able to make it there. I had a heart attack. Stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks. My wife visited me twice. Doctor said I must give smoking and burbon too. I did. Never had a heart attack ever since. Today I smoked for the frst time in 5 years. Felt damn good.  In the mean time my wife left me, and my daughter got married and moved to Richmond. She has a kid now. I'm a grandfather. She never visited me. I never got to see my nephew. This time I've decided. I wanna go to Paris. My name is Jack. I'm from Nebraska.

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